Showing 1 - 7 of 7 Results
Philosophie Und Theologie Des Ausgehenden Mittelalters Marsilius Von Inghen Und Das Denken S... by Bakker, Paul J. M., Hoenen,... ISBN: 9789004109124 List Price: $121.00
Averroes' Natural Philosophy and Its Reception in the Latin West by Bakker, Paul J. J. M. ISBN: 9789462700468
Sixty-Five Papyrological Texts by Hoogendijk, F.A.J., Muhs, B... ISBN: 9789004166882
John Buridan Quaestiones super libros de generatione et corruptione Aristotelis : A Critical... by Buridan, Jean, Streijger, M... ISBN: 9789004185043 List Price: $141.00
Image, Imagination, and Cognition : Medieval and Early Modern Theory and Practice by L�thy, Christoph, Swan, Cla... ISBN: 9789004365735 List Price: $146.00
John Buridan, <i>Quaestiones Super Octo Libros Physicorum Aristotelis (secundum Ultimam L... by Streijger, Michiel, Bakker,... ISBN: 9789004263420 List Price: $195.00